How To Have A Good Poker Face At Work
Here is a checklist for a good poker game: ️ At least one player is limping regularly. ️ There are many multiway pots. ️ Re-raises are either very rare or very frequent. If you’re in a game with 2+ of these boxes checked, you’re in a great position to make money. Keep your lips together and jaw relaxed. Your mouth is the main support for your face muscles and any tension, smile, frown, or smirk will influence the rest of your face. Relax your jaw first by letting it go slack, creating space between your back teeth. Open and close your mouth a few times to help relax as well.
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There was Mary, with a goofy smile on her face, telling her audience about a serious situation they were going to be facing. They had a hard time buying it.

How To Have A Good Poker Face At Work At Home

There stood Frank, welcoming new customer to a plant tour, with a sour, grim facial expression. They didn’t feel the vibe.

How To Have A Good Poker Face At Work Games
Do facial expressions matter? Of course, so today let’s see how to make sure your face reflects appropriately your message.
Try these:

How To Have A Good Poker Face At Work Against
- Go neutral first. Make sure your face is relaxed and neutral. It should be neutral but pleasant. No frowns, no tension, no licking your lips. Check a mirror. This is your go-to facial expression.
- Smile! Practice in front of a mirror. Relax tension from your face. Soften your eyes. Now smile with your eyes as well as your mouth.
- Serious face. Practice looking serious and concerned without frowning or scowling. Think of a serious but not horrendous situation and reflect that on your face.
- Get feedback. Ask someone you trust to evaluate your face as you speak informally. What habits do you have that you may not be aware of? How expressive is your face when you are speaking naturally?
- Now see yourself. Video record your next rehearsal before an important presentation or meeting. As you review it, pay attention to your face. Is it expressive? Appropriate to your message?
- Bring it. Be aware as you speak of what your face is reflecting, and change it up as needed to match and reflect the meaning of what you are saying.
How To Have A Better Poker Face At Work

How To Have A Good Poker Face At Work Now
Next time you present or speak in a meeting you should be more aware of the impression you are making facially and be able to use a fuller range of facial expressions.